Christmas day in the park
The month of December left us with some beautiful winter scenes and plenty of opportunities for the boys to play in the snow. Edna and I spent most of the month planning and preparing for a church Christmas party that we invited people from the English clubs that we are involved in to. The party was also an opportunity for members of the church to invite their friends and family so that they could hear messages about the real meaning of Christmas and why Jesus is at the center of it. We had the party on the 27th which is after Western Christmas, but still before Orthodox Christmas on January 7th. You can see more of the pictures from our church Christmas party by clicking HERE.
A swan in Park Oleksandria
This month we were also witnesses to a something I can only describe as a miracle of love and healing in our church. If you haven't already read about it you can click HERE. You can read about how I spent my birthday this month and the little ones who touched my heart by clicking HERE.
Joshua sledding with a friend.
A week of freezing rain before the snow fall created these cool ice slides. No sled required.
We ended this year by having all three English clubs go on break for the holidays since most of the members are students. School will start back up again on January 19th as the Christmas season comes to an end. We plan on resuming the clubs again at that time. We have been so blessed by all the wonderful people we have met through the clubs and the friends that we have made. It's so encouraging to be out shopping or running an errand and then run into someone we know from one of the clubs who is genuinely glad to see us. We saw two girls once from our University English Club near the central market who were excited just to see us and tell us about all the things they had been shopping for. This may not seem like much, but in a society where friendships have to be earned and aren't taken lightly, this is a huge blessing to us.
Olya, Tanya, Dominic, and Edna at our church Christmas party.
Maria, Nastya, Zhenya, and Veronika singing
Maxime being festive
This year we sat down with Dominic and Joshua and decided that we would have a very simple Christmas on the 25th. (We're still going to celebrate Christmas on January 7th, but only with food and fellowship.) We didn't travel out of town or have the usual gifts like we did last year. We just spent the day playing in the falling snow and then set down to Christmas borshch that Edna made. (You can see the photos of that day by clicking HERE.) We used the money that we saved to buy Maxime a nice sweater, a winter jacket, insulated pants, a warm hat, and winter boots. He had been going without proper winter clothing and what he did have was worn and dirty. We couldn't sit by and see him cold and made fun of by the other kids any longer. His mother Vera was very thankful and we were just glad that we could give him some warm clothes and a little bit of his dignity back.
After the Christmas party we were all pretty tired, but thankful that everything went well and everyone had a good time. From left to right: Valya, Fedir, Nastya, Yana, Nikita, Ruslan, Anya, Me, Edna, Andriy, and Marina.
Since moving to Ukraine we have always tried to live simply and to live as much like the people around us as possible. While often time consuming and physically demanding, our efforts have blessed us and opened doors we never thought possible. Dominic and Joshua have both learned that simple things like going fishing or playing in the snow can be far more fun than the latest electronic gadget (and thankfully much cheaper). The boys have met several friends this way as well as in the public school they attend. They have to work twice as hard because they are also home schooled by us, but they are reaping a huge reward in language acquisition and Ukrainian culture. Choosing to pump our drinking water from a well rather than buy bottled water has led to a relationship with some English speaking Ukrainians that live near the well (although this is arguably Dominic's most dreaded chore). Going to the trouble of canning our own vegetables has helped us to build a close relationship with our neighbor who gave us careful instruction on how to do it, not to mention save us money.
New Year's Eve with Tanya and Kolya
Over the last year we have noticed how eating the same foods, wearing the same types of clothes, and living like our neighbors has impacted people's perceptions of us. (We've definitely shattered the myth that all Americans have money.) Yes, we blend a little better and don't get nearly as many curious looks anymore, but people have told us that they are also more willing to listen to what we have to say, especially when it comes to sharing the Gospel. We realize that we haven't lost anything. Instead we've gained valuable insight, new friends, and a culture that God has caused us to fall in love with.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support that have led to us being able to pour ourselves into the lives of others through out this year and make Christ known.
Our city New Year/Christmas Tree
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. - Luke 2:11
"Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work." - Mother Teresa
Нехай Бог Благословить Україну
(Let God Bless Ukraine)
(Let God Bless Ukraine)
Prayer Requests
• Please pray that God would provide for us financially so that we can continue these ministries in the new year.
• For wisdom, guidance and God's leading as we plan to resume the English clubs in late January.
• For direction about starting a bible study in our home for some of our English club members in late January.
• For our Ukrainian language studies.
• For a skilled worship leader at church.
• That the churches we met with in America would keep us (Ukraine) on their hearts and minds and in their prayers.
• That Edna's kidney stones will pass soon.
• Pray that Maxime would continue to grow in Christ. That nothing would hinder him from coming to church on Sunday, or being able to stay with us here at home.
• That God would raise up others outside (or inside) of Ukraine to serve in Bila Tserkva.
• For continued friendships that lead to Christ being made known as a personal Savior.
Support can be sent to:
Calvary SLO
P.O. Box 1463
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
With an attached note: "For Greg and Edna Silva"
In Christ,
Greg, Edna, Dominic, and Joshua
Our blog: On Second Thought
Our photos: We Desire Him