Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March 2009 Update - Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Edna and Tanya in the Park
Edna and Tanya by the Ros River

We were blessed this month to have Tanya from Pryluky as a guest in our home for a few weeks. She was such a great help to us doing everything from translating and leading worship to helping plan Bible studies. I know Edna was especially sad when it came time for Tanya to go back to Pryluky. She really enjoyed the opportunity to have close Christian fellowship with another girl. (Apparently it's not easy being the only female in the household.)

Women's Day
Valentina, Vera (Maxime's mother), Edna, Tanya, and Luda (Maxime's grandmother)

Prayers were answered this month when first Maxime's mother, Vera, and then his grandmother, Luda, began coming to our Bible study. We have been praying for so long to be able to share the Gospel with Vera and also Luda, so thank you to everyone who has been praying with us. Edna has been able to grow a lot closer to Vera over the last month and we hope that God will continue to strengthen these new relationships. You can read about what Tanya and Edna did on International Women's Day by clicking HERE.

Tanya and Nastya at Church
Tanya and Nastya leading worship

Edna teaching the children at Church
Edna teaching the children at church with the help of both Tanyas

Tanya helping the children make bracelets
Tanya helping the children with one of their favorite crafts, making bracelets

March has also been a month of planning as we prepare for our playground restoration project that we had to reschedule due to rain and snow. You can read about our plans by clicking HERE. Hopefully the weather will continue to get warmer so that we can complete the project on the weekend of April 11th -12th. All the neighborhood children are excited about it.

Tea Party
Joshua entertaining guests (Dasha, Yulia, Masha, and Ella)

On one particularly cold and rainy day, some of the neighborhood girls came over looking for Miss Edna hoping to play a few games of Uno. Unfortunately, Edna was in Kyiv for physical therapy so Joshua played host serving tea, juice, cookies, and candy. We are so grateful that most of the neighborhood parents feel comfortable letting their children spend time in our home. It's a privilege for us to be able to open our home and our hearts to all of them. It has been through the children that we have been able to get to know some of their parents.

I don't think Joshua was very excited about the group hug

We are looking forward to seeing all of our friends and family as we prepare to visit California in May and June to raise awareness and support.

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." - 1 Peter 4:10

"Each generation of the church in each setting has the responsibility of communicating the gospel in understandable terms, considering the language and thought-forms of that setting." - Francis Schaeffer

Нехай Бог Благословить Україну
(Let God Bless Ukraine)

Prayer Requests

• Please pray that God would provide for us financially so that we can complete the playground restoration that we have planned with CC Pryluky in April.
• For God to use us as we teach God's word to the children on Sunday.
• For God's Spirit to lead us as we continue the Bible study in our home on Friday nights, for Jesus to be made known to those coming, and for God's name glorified through it all.
For our safe travel back to CA.
For a skilled worship leader at church and for guitar lessons for Greg and Nastya.
That the churches we met with in America would keep us (Ukraine) on their hearts and minds and in their prayers.
• For Edna's health problems.
• Pray that Maxime would continue to grow in Christ. That nothing would hinder him from coming to church on Sunday, or being able to stay with us here at home.
• For our neighbor Olya, as she recovers from her second knee surgery.
For continued friendships that lead to Christ being made known as a personal Savior.

Support can be sent to:
Calvary SLO
P.O. Box 1463
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
With an attached note: "For Greg and Edna Silva"

In Christ,
Greg, Edna, Dominic, and Joshua

Our blog: On Second Thought
Our photos: We Desire Him